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Dood Bottega Gelateria

"My goal is to make the best Gelato in the country. To reach this level, each taste and texture must be different, have its unique formula, and everything must start with the raw materials." Store owner Jackson

Dood Bottega Gelateria is the one and craziest one to make such quality hand made fresh gelato.

"Dood" chose to do so for the benefit of our customers. Over time, the importance of the environment where you relax for five minutes has grown, from breakfast to midnight ice cream. We have tried to bridge the gap between the craftsman who cannot describe the little secrets to everyone.

Dood is an artisanal Italian ice cream brand dedicated to the meticulous crafting of our products, ensuring that every detail in the production process is executed with precision and care. Our commitment to quality extends not only to the ice cream itself but also to the way we communicate our brand to our clients.

To bring our vision to life, we incorporated a variety of hand-painted landscapes and whimsical characters throughout our branding. Each piece of art reflects the rich cultural heritage and scenic beauty of Italy, creating a deeper connection between our product and its roots. 

By infusing these artistic elements into our design, we aimed to evoke a casual and relaxed European aesthetic that invites customers to savor the experience of enjoying traditional Italian gelato. This approach not only highlights the craftsmanship behind our ice cream but also sets Dood apart as a unique brand that honors the artistry of Italian dessert-making. Our goal is to create an inviting atmosphere that resonates with our customers, reminding them of the delightful experience of indulging in authentic Italian ice cream.

“我的目​​標是做出全國最好的Gelato。要達到這個水平,每種口味和質地都必須不同,有其獨特的配方,一切都必須從原材料開始。”店主傑克遜。Dood Bottega Gelateria 是一家製作如此優質手工新鮮冰淇淋的公司,也是最瘋狂的一家。

Dood 是一個義大利手工冰淇淋品牌,致力於產品的精心製作,確保生產過程中的每個細節都得到精確和細心的執行。我們對品質的承諾不僅延伸到冰淇淋本身,也延伸到我們向客戶傳達品牌的方式。


透過將這些藝術元素融入我們的設計中,我們旨在喚起一種休閒輕鬆的歐洲美學,邀請顧客品嚐傳統義大利冰淇淋的體驗。這種方法不僅凸顯了我們冰淇淋背後的工藝,而且使 Dood 成為一個獨特的品牌,向義大利甜點製作的藝術致敬。我們的目標是營造一種吸引顧客的氛圍,與顧客產生共鳴,提醒他們享受正宗義大利冰淇淋的愉悅體驗。

client:  DOOD
categories:  branding - packaging
year:  2020