Taste a Break Branding Development home

Hong Kong’s diversified street food is an authentic cultural characteristic. Besides the deliciousness, the relatively affordable price is also one of the selling points. For a long time, street snacks will give people a sense of fast food and not be related to health. Therefore, “Snacks, Refreshments” make delicious street snacks with beneficial and fresh materials, and bring street snacks into a comfortable restaurant.

  • Provide a comfortable resting place for busy urbanites
  • They can enjoy the authentic Hong Kong street food here
  • I hope people will feel refreshed and full of energy after patronizing

Besides knowing how to taste the food, the client should also learn how to taste and relax. The entire branding and interior design are mainly in pastel colors, which is a blessing to let customers feel at ease, tranquility, and rest. Take a break in a comfortable environment and charge again. Add-free homemade soup with different noodles, satisfying the two wishes of light-food and warm soup in one go. The snacks with different combinations are familiar and full of creativity.

"Take a moment to empty your mind of worries. Drinks from different seasons give the body a sip of energy for health."



  • 為繁忙的都市人提供舒適的休息地方
  • 他們可以在此盡情享用充滿地道氣息的香港街頭的美食
  • 盼望人們光顧後,有煥然一新及充滿力量的感覺



client:  TAB Group Limited
categories:  branding
year:  2020